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Is your North Lake Tahoe property prepared for Summer 2024? 

Call today for a free consultation.

Beauty and Safety Combined:
Enhance Your Yard with Defensible Space Today.

As fire season approaches, safeguard your property with defensible space in North Lake Tahoe!

✅ Enhance your properties natural landscape with overgrown brush clearing 

✅ Reduce the risk of wildfire spread

✅ Create a buffer zone to slow or stop fire progression

✅ Provide firefighters with safer conditions to defend your property


With dry vegetation, hot temperatures, and occasional strong winds, North Lake Tahoe is naturally at risk of wildfires. But with defensible space, you can take proactive measures to increase your home's resilience to this risk.

Don't wait until it's too late! Act now to create defensible space around your property and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you've taken steps to protect what matters most. Contact us today to learn more about our services and prepare for a safer summer season!

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